

2023-12-03 13:48:02互联网经典台词

1. Things is, if you're not building a future, that's because you don't believe there is a future。

如果你不努力创造未来,那是因为你不相信未来的存在。——《女子监狱》 Orange Is the New Black

2. You keep your friends close and your enimies closer。

跟朋友亲近,跟敌人要更亲近。——《穹顶之下》 Under the Dome

3. Everyone wants some magical solution for their problem and everyone refuses to belive in magic。

每个人都希望能有魔法来帮他们解决难题,可是却没有人愿意相信真的有魔法。——《童话镇》 Once Upon a Time

4. The more people you love, the weaker you are。

你在乎的人越多,你就越脆弱。——《权力的游戏》 Game Of Thrones

5. Only a fool thinks he can solve the world's problems。

只有傻瓜才会觉得自己能解决世界上的所有问题。——《冰血暴》 Fargo

6. Little warning before you jump into this marriage bussiness: you are not just marrying him, you are marrying his family。

在你跳进婚姻这个大坑前,姐先嘱咐你两句:你嫁的不光是他这个人,还有他的家庭。——《生活大爆炸》 The Big Bang Theory

7. A lot can happen between now and never。

在现在与永远之间,有无数可能。——《权力的游戏》 Game Of Thrones

8. You have to honestly confront your limitations with what you do。

你必须诚实面对你的能力限度。——《汉尼拔》 Hannibal

9. Did you hear China threatened to attack us after the dome showed up? this guy said Beijing thought we were testing some kind of illegal superweapon, so the president had to talk'em off the ledge, tell them we didn't even build it。

你们听说了吗?“穹顶”出现后天朝威胁说要攻击我们。那个人说天朝以为我们在实验某种非法的超级武器,所以总统不得不试图说服他们,告诉他们根本不是我们建的。——《穹顶之下》 Under the Dome
